books about The Icelandic Love Corporation / bækur um Gjörningaklúbbinn
Published in connection with the exhibition: “ARoS Focus // New Nordic, The Icelandic Love Corporation - Love Conquers All!” 01.10. 2016 - 22.01. 2017, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum
Curator and editor: Maria Kappel Blegvad. Texts: Erlend G. Høyerston, Maria Kappel Blegvad, Camilla Skovbjerg Paldam, The Icelandic Love Corporation.
Graphic Design: Jacob Birch Studio
Edition: 600
© 2016/2017 ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, authors and photographers
ISBN: 9788792184467
Tight - published by Amos Anderson Museum, Helsinki, Finnland, 2010, in connection with the exhibition “Tight” 20.8 - 4.10.2010
Preface: Kaj Martin. Texts & Selection of quotations: Aura Seikkula & ILC
Editor: Kaj Martin & ILC
Photographers: Vera Pállsdóttir, ILC, Linda Loeskow, Bernard Kristinn Ingimundarson
Design & Layout: Linda Loeskow
Amos Anderson Art Museum Publications
ISBN: 978-952-19531-79-0
The Icelandic Love Corporation - published by Reykjavik Art Museum, 2007
Texts by The Icelandic Love Corporation, Hafþór Yngvason, Yean Fee Quay, Randy Rosenberg, Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson, Sjón, Matthias Ulrich, Aoibheann Mac Namara, Francis McKee, Christian Schoen, Helga Soffía Einarsdóttir, Steven Meyers, Ragnar Kjartansson, Þorsteinn J., Sigurður Pálsson, Margrét Vilhjálmsdóttir, Dorothee Kirch, Kristín Jóhannesdóttir, Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Aleksandra Mir, Halldór Björn Runólfsson, Markús Andrésson, Lars Bang Larsen and Sólveig Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Photos by Páll Stefánsson, Áslaug Snorradóttir, Rosie Lynch, Berhard Ingimundarson, Elísabet Davíðsdóttir, Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin, Sandra Hamburg and others.
Graphic design by Gunnar Vilhjálmsson and Lóa Auðunsdóttir, who received the icelandic design award FIT, for this book.
ISBN 9979-769-31-9
The Icelandic Love Corporation - interview and short stories by Francis McKee / ILC, Published by The Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art (Nifca) and Diamond Hearts Projects, Glasgow, 2002
Edited: Francis McKee, Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt
Design: Robert Johnston
Edition of 1000
ISBN : 951-8955-69-7